Marie Curie Helper Service

Opening times not provided


This service matches clients with a volunteer who provides 1-1 companionship and support to the individual and their families. Helpers can provide emotional and practical support, as well as short carer respite (we ask our volunteers to commit 3 hours per week for a minimum of 12 months). The services are open all over the UK including Glasgow, Lothian, Dumfries, Newton Stewart, Grampian, Fife. The helper service is available in areas with and without a Marie Curie Hospice.

The referral criteria is that the individual has:

•A terminal illness

•prognosis of 12 months or less (if prognosis is unclear then we would need to have a chat about whether the client would be suitable for the service)

•over 18 years of age

The carer of an individual who meets this criteria can also be referred to the service.

Individuals can self refer or a friend/family member/neighbour can refer them with their permission. Professionals such as GPs, nurses, occupational therapists can also refer individuals to the service.

Services Offered

  • Isolation and Loneliness

Contact details


Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh
Frogston West
EH10 7DR



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Last Updated: 06/12/2018
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